Saturday, June 19, 2021

Embedded C--AVR--Get an OLED display working (SSD1306 I2C Driver) (and) Comparator Application Thoughts

I had so much fun last time getting a TFT working with AVR embedded C that I thought why stop there, let's get an OLED display going as well. 

There are differences between the two display technologies (read more about that here); but OLEDs are so cheap and look so good you just have to throw one into your next project, right? 


"Let's get started!"


The main chip found in my junkbox OLEDs isn't the same IC we coded for last time; these cheap I2C OLED displays use an SSD1306 driver. So, I had to find a C library for the 1306 (or write it myself, but who has time for that?)

Good news--there are many C and C++ libraries for the SSD1306 family; two that are popular and full featured can be found here and here.  

However I ended up using one by preston-Sundar as it seemed simple and had methods to do everything I usually need. Get that library from Github, here.

I used Atmel studio 7 to craft preston's demo main.c and then added his necessary supporting code; his code compiled and flashed without issue, and I was up and running with the POC you see above in about 20 minutes. So--it works! Cool!


We have a working OLED display--what to do with it?  A sythesizer control voltage comparator?

Why/why not? I bounced ideas off my friends at my local synth geek club.   

Some of their thoughts:
  • Should I design and build an audio window comparator at all?  "We never use them....don't bother." Off to a bad start. 
  • If you do build one, its inputs have to be bipolar (see the "Bowal" subcircuit, post is here)
  • If you do build one, the output(s) should be -10V to 10V or so, not 0-5V 
  • Other, smarter techs (this one!) already make one for sale--again: why make this at all?
In spite of the lack of enthusiasm I jotted down ideas to create a full featured window comparator module with this 1306 display, the 10 bit A-Ds built into the Atmel 328, and an MCP4922 DAC.  But the 4922 is unipolar, these guys are challenging me to implement bipolar


Throwing money at this, I bought a few AD5721's  DACs which support +/-5V at output, and require twos complement math, and probably have other design challenges, so even if the comparator module turns out being a waste I will have worked on something new and (hopefully) learned something.  

I'll do an upcoming post and find or create an AVR C library for the AD5721 if I have time. Stay tuned.

Update: 9-2-21 After more work at the bench I will need a faster microcontroller for this project, probably an STM32, see the initial post for that here. The AD5721 library remains unfinished....

Here is a very quick mock up of a potential front panel for the comparator:

Here is a general main.c to make sure the OLED works at all:

#include <avr/io.h>
#include "i2c.h"
#include "SSD1306.h"

int main(void) {
    OLED_Init();  //initialize the OLED
    OLED_Clear(); //clear the display (for good measure)
    while (1) {
        OLED_SetCursor(0, 0);        //set the cursor position to                                         //(0,0)
        OLED_Printf("Hello World!"); //Print out some text

    return 0; // never reached

Here is working main.c code for the comparator OLED mockup:

#include <avr/io.h>
#include "i2c.h"
#include "SSD1306.h"

int main(void) {
OLED_Init();  //initialize the OLED
OLED_Clear(); //clear the display (for good measure)
while (1) {
// this is a mock up.  Other than the OLED nothing                     //works.
    OLED_SetCursor(0, 0);      //set the cursor                                                    //position to (0, 0)
    OLED_Printf("AudioDIWHY Comparator"); //Print out                                                         //some text
            OLED_Printf("IN A");
            OLED_Printf("IN B");
    OLED_Printf("Mode A < x < B");
return 0; // never reached

Which begs the question: should this project be built in the digital domain?  If so, it could have more whiz bang features with fewer components, but nevertheless this isn't a difficult analog circuit to conjure.  

I did a quick back of the napkin sketch of how to do this with an opamp--lots of mistakes, and no, the NPN transistors are not a realistic choice, but this is a napkin:

..,.and then simulated it using circuitlab:

The sim "works", but in the real world it would need more buffering, and a bipolar CV source for the inverting terminal of OA2.  

I might quickly layout a board based on a quad op amp, maybe 3 of them could sit behind a 2u Frac panel?  Then see if I have any real use for it?

Also--in the analog domain this could also be done with comparator ICs like this one. At the end of the day doing a basic comparator in analog is easy.

Update: I have a basic analog comparator working, roughly based on the simulation above; see the post here--but it has not proven useful in my mod synth setup. Not sure if I will pursue this any further at this point. 

OK--"not sure what I will do next".  But my initial goal--to get some OLEDs I had lying around working on my bench, using nothing but embedded C, worked right away, so I had time to kill; an AVR window comparator would be fun to build, but in reality may get little use. Asi es la vida.

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