Monday, September 13, 2021

LFO Prime--Reverse Engineering my Own Design--Works!

Want to Build The Module in this blog post? To download a Eurorack version of the LFO Prime's gerber, BOM, schematic, etc., please go to my Sponsor PCBWay's Project Site, here.  To build a Frac or Large Format version, go to my github page, here

OK here's today's post:

Hello again!! 


This is a continuation of the post here. To summarize: I built a basic LFO in 2003 or so I like a lot but forgot to document any of it.  

Using a continuity tester and common sense could I recreate my own work?  After a false start (post here), answer is yes. My First LFO--"LFO PRIME" has been successfully reverse engineered, and the new version of this old design works.

My builds always start with PCBs from PCBway. They have fast turnaround and offer cool services like metal PCB's. Please help support this blog by checking them out.  

In my previous attempts to bring the 2003 LFO design back to life what was wrong?  We need 10V peak to peak unipolar or bipolar output signals, but that wasn't being seen with a scope.

Once I thought about how a total newbie would correct this sort of bias issue I reduced the voltage of the square wave by about 80% then boosted both signals back up 400%--after that, everything worked.  

The front panel was left over and unused from last time

Ready to test....there is an LED the blinks for each LFO pulse, but I have too many LEDs in my rig so I left it off this build.

Front Panel still fits....

The features: Tri or Square, frequency control with course frequency switch, and a bias offset (bipolar or unipolar).  Three identical outputs. Super Simple.

Calibration: Build this LFO then attach any of the LFO's 3 outputs to a scope. Adjust the "shape" trimmer until the triangle wave looks the way you want.  

Next, adjust the "offset" trimmer so when you throw the 0V/5V switch the peak to output's peak to peak voltage is offset by 5V. Otherwise, the output waveform should straddle ground.  

Finally, adjust "Speed" so the frequency switch (fast/up), with pot fully CW, is whatever you want.  The speed trim impacts the P/P voltage of the circuit so you may have to re-adjust the other trimmers once you settle on the speed you want.

Mods: Download the schematic then take a look at C3 and C4. Adjust these caps' values: larger value capacitors mean slower frequencies; smaller values will be faster. I used 1000uF for the slow speed and 33uF for fast, but any reasonable values work.  

However, you will need to stay with 25K for the frequency pot--going to a higher value here will slow down the frequency of the LFO, but I found it got harder to get a good triangle shape if you use a large value for the "Frequency" pot.

For perfectionists, tweak R3 and R2 to make sure the triangle and square are exactly the same amplitude (I didn't care that much).  This circuit could be easily customized as well: for bias, the BIAS 0V/5V switch could be eliminated and the offset wiper tied to R6 for fully adjustable bias control. 

Overall, this is a simple design; experiment and have fun. 

Again thanks to PCBWAY for hanging in there while I tried to figure out my own work. From now on I will document, document, document!

Monday, September 6, 2021

LTC2645--PWM to Voltage--Embedded C--PWM DAC for Waveform Generation

Note: if you want to download the gerber for this post's MSOP .5mm to PDIP adapter board, you can get it from PCBWay's Project Page, here

OK on to the post:

Hmm...again: 10K audio from an Atmel 328.  Possible?

It can be done using a lookup table and GPIO with parallel resistor ladder DACs, or via its on board PWM

This post covers a variation of the PWM idea but it sounds kinda crappy.

The idea: for the last few weeks I have been working on an audio waveform generator based on an Atmel 328P  and Embedded C.

That's an 8 bit microcontroller with no DMA or I2S, and so far I've found it too slow to produce high fidelity audio--low frequencies can be produced easily, but anything above about 300hz exhibits varying degrees of distortion. 

But I read (here for instance) that you can use an 8 bit Atmel Microcontroller's PWM to get up to about 8K at output by varying a PWM signal's duty cycle then turning the PWM signal back into an acceptable analog voltage using a  low pass filter.

Fine, but let's have additional fun--let's see if we can use a PWM DAC, such as an LTC2645, instead of the filter. 

What is a PWM DAC?  To understand that, you need to have a basic idea how PWM works--a good description is here.

For the PWM to DAC IC, pulse width modulated signal(s) go in, and based on the signal's duty cycle, the chip produces one or more analog voltages at its output(s). 

PWM ICs have many applications in electronics, you see them frequently in power supplies for instance.  I am not sure how often PWM to voltage is used in DiWhy audio, but what the heck, I can't see why this wouldn't work, let's try it!

Sample and Hold: I got a few LTC2645's; its datasheet looks straightforward, and the IC replaces the various filter RC components, potentially making the entire audio generation circuit's footprint small and simple. 

But one problem for a DIY maker is that the LTC2645 is tiny--MSOP, 16 pins, 5mm between pins: 

The LTC2645 compared to a U.S. Nickel. For our friends abroad, a nickel is 21mm across.   

That's really, really small.

What to do? I reached out to my sponsor, PCBWAY, for help, and I designed a simple 16 pin 5mm MSOP to PDIP breakout board. Then, I uploaded the gerber. Happily I got 5x PCBs from PCBWAY within a few days (!!) along with a stencil they created for the project and got to work.  

Overall fab for 5mm MSOP's wasn't easy due to its extremely small size, but with some patience I got it working using the same hot air/SMD stencil process you can read about in the post here.  

If you want to play along at home, please download the files and gerbers for this adapter board from PCBWAY's Project pages, the gerber is here.

Next, on to some almost useless but slightly entertaining bench photos:

Not looking too bad....each board can accommodate two MSOP chips, but for sanity I just populated one half. That gives me a bit more room to tape down the PCB for fabrication.

Oops, this chip got installed upside down, oh well!

Pin time....

No photo but: After soldering the pins, I used a dremel tool to saw each board in half, and was left with 2 dusty BoB's. 

In need of some tidying up, but ready to go....

After a quick clean with flux remover, I was ready to test....

....with things not looking too bad under the microscope.

Wiring up the LTC2645 (datasheet is here) was easy; there is no programming needed, just hook up your PWM source one or more inputs, apply logic, power and ground, and use its output(s) to get a smooth uinpolar analog signal.

The LTC2645 accommodates four PWM inputs to four analog outputs. Make sure your incoming square wave is about 1Khz-5khz for the 12 bit chip; I used 3V P/P with a 1.5V offset.  Decoupling Cap for me was .2uF, but .1uF should work.

VDD for the LTC2645 is 5V; filter cap is .1uF

I wired it up using my trusty Radioshack development widget and an UNO R3:

OK, for test code here are some examples for waveform creation using PWM. These were all taken off the Internet; I modified each file slightly, but not much.  

The programs below were compiled and uploaded to the processor using my usual Atmel Studio 7/Atmel Ice combination. I used an Uno R3 development board.  Pin PB1 (For Arduino-ites: that's Arduino pin 9) was used as the PWM output for the top code example, while pin PD3 (which translates to Ardunio Pin 3) was used in the 10K example at the bottom of the post.

When compiled and the PWM was connected to the 2645, it produced a decent if gritty 3K triangle wave:

 * LTC2645-func-gen  main.c
 * adapted code for 328P and LTC2645 from      *
 * Created: 9/6/2021 9:46:56 AM
 * Author : audioDIWHY

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <util/delay.h>

int main (void) {

/*set outputs */

DDRB |= _BV(PB1); 
        /*arduino PIN9--timer 1 PWM on 9,10 (PB1,2) */
DDRB |= _BV(PB2);  

    /*3.4K pwm using timer 1 */
    TCCR1A |= _BV(COM1A1) | _BV(WGM10);
    TCCR1B |= _BV(CS10) | _BV(WGM12);


  uint8_t pwm = 0x00;
  bool up = true;
        /*3.4K tri */

OCR1A = pwm; 
pwm += up ? 1 : -1;
if (pwm == 0x84)up = false;
else if (pwm == 0x00)up = true;


And this short main.c file produced a 5K or 12K ramp (which looked and sounded pretty ratty).

/*adapted from webpage:    AtMega328 */

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>

int main(void)


    DDRD |= _BV(PD3); 

/*arduino Pin 3 timer 2 PWM AVR PIN PD3*/

/* Set up the 250KHz output */
TCCR2A = _BV(COM2A1) | _BV(COM2B1) | _BV(WGM21) | _BV(WGM20);
TCCR2B = _BV(WGM22) | _BV(CS20);
OCR2A = 63;
OCR2B = 0;

/* Make the 250KHz rolling */
while (1) {
if ( OCR2B < 63 )
OCR2B += 5; 

/* OCR2B += 2 is about 5K ramp.  5 is                                about 12K ramp. higher is more speed but crappier looking                                    waveform. */
OCR2B = 0;

Hey--it works....

So what's the verdict? After a morning or so working on this, sadly, this still isn't the audio frequency solution I needed.  

The LTC2645 is an interesting chip, but it's expensive (about $10USD for one 12 bit chip) and I am not sure you gain that much using it and not an RC filter.  

Maybe for certain applications where you want to turn four different PWM signals to voltages with output speeds up to 5K this chip would help. But that's an unusual requirement. 

Overall I guess we will see; the jury's still out.....

OK, enough PWM for now. Time to stop working, it's a 3 day weekend.

See ya' around....hoping your duty cycle is not too long....

Saturday, September 4, 2021

AVR 328P Frequency Counter--Embedded C--Using the Handy ICP1 Pin

Hello Again Fellow Bitheads.  If you've been following the blog for the past few months I've been coding in "Pure C" or "Bare Metal C" or "Embedded C." Whatever you want to call it, it "ain't Arduino Sketch".  

This time, I was thinking about adding a beats per measure (BPM) to frequency feature to the improved Dirty Digital LFO. Last post about the current Embedded DDLFO module's design/code/build is here.

To make this work, I will first need a squarewave frequency counter, so we can feed in 4 or 8 pulses per beat and get BPM out, so this time, let's work on the counter component of the design.

The counter works from about 2hz to about 300khz!

To develop this on the bench, what hardware to use? I have a few Arduino Uno R3 development boards in my junk box, with a PDIP Atmel 328P IC on board, so let's use that, but we will code with Atmel Studio 7 and upload our code to the MCU with an Atmel Ice Programmer. With all due respect to the Arduino community: no Arduino Sketch code will be used for this project.

Next let's go steal some open source Embedded C code. There should be lots of Atmel 328 counters coded in C to be found online, right?

Well, no. Some posts I found use assembly language for AVR, not C, see the project here for instance--assembly is at the bottom. Overall I couldn't find as many C based AVR frequency counters  as I expected.

However I found the very useful post here (ElectronicWings--lots of good stuff at that site) with code for a counter based on Atmega32 processors--a good start.

I am not using a Atmega16 nor a 32, and the timers/registers in the Atmega 328P are somewhat different than the 16/32, so some code porting was needed.

Fortunately porting this code to Atmega 328P was not that difficult, taking me maybe a morning to figure out. I primarly studied the Atmega 328P datasheet, pages 96-99, and beyond changing the names of some registers most of the ElectronicWings code worked without a whole lot of modification.

The code uses a feature called an input capture pin, or ICP; something I've not used before--on the 328P that's a dedicated Pin: PB0. On an Arduino Uno R3, that's "Digital pin 8". Details about ICP can be found in the datasheet and is also covered here. The basic idea: capture the rising or falling edge of your square wave and put a timer value into a 16 bit register; move that register's content to a variable in your C code, then repeat the process: capture the incremented timer value a different variable. 

Finally, subtract the two variables to determine the frequency.  

I also learned of an interesting associated peripheral--the 328P has a pretty sophisticated analog comparator built in you can use to capture input timing in the same manner.  I didn't use that feature this time, but I can see a lot of uses for it for what we do. More detail about the 328's comparator peripheral is here.  

I needed a display for this week's project; I used an SSD1306 OLED cheap display I had in my junk box. 

I used my prewritten I2C libary as well as the 1306 library found here to complete the C code for the counter. 

Wire me up Scotty! The "works on my bench" build is pretty accurate from 2hz to about 300khz. Not too shabby? I am manually setting the range 2-500hz and 500-300Khz) by recoding what is below then recompiling/uploading to the MCU--using the--you guessed it--"range" variable. Value 0 is for high frequences, while 1 is for lower frequencies. This could be a front panel switch, or the code could be rewritten to autorange, but for now just typing in a value and recompiling/uploading is good enough.

Wiring on the bench is very simple--I2C, power, and a feed from my "freq gen"--i.e., my bench squarewave generator (A Siglent SDG1025)

How accurate is this quick counter?  Again: good enough. It tracks pretty well for frequencies between about 700hz and 200khz for range 0. 

For range 1 2hz to about 300hz is good and it's usable to about 800hz. 

I will probably need to use a slower prescaler for the BPM clock capture, but that's for another day.  

OK, here's the main.c code.  Again you'll need my I2C libary .c and .h files and this 1306 driver added to your project before you can compile this....upload and have fun. If you come up with anything good please let me know in the comments.


 * freqcounter main.c


 * Created: 9/2/2021 10:42:24 AM

 * Author : audiodiWHY


#include <avr/io.h>

#include <util/delay.h>

#include <avr/interrupt.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include "SSD1306.h"

#include "i2c.h" 

 //////// range = 0  measure freqs 500-300K with pretty good //accuracy--audio and bench stuff

 //////// range = 1  freq 2hz to about 700hz with pretty good //accuracy -- LFO etc.

 //************SET INITIAL RANGE HERE************

 uint8_t range = 0;


int main ( )


OLED_Init();  //initialize the OLED

OLED_Clear(); //clear the display  

unsigned int a,c,period;

char frequency[14];

          DDRB = 0x03;

PORTB = 0b00000001;


Turn ON pull-up resistor 

NOTE! ICP1 is pin PB0 on AVR328 you knew that?


//1306 lib, set the cursor position to (0, 0)

OLED_SetCursor(0, 0);        

//SSD1306 library to print text to OLED

 OLED_Printf("AudioDiWhy Freq ctr");  

 OLED_SetCursor(2, 0);




        // set counter parameters

TCCR1A = 0;


TIFR1 = (1<<ICF1); 


Clear ICF (Input Capture flag)                                     flag; writing 1 clears


if (range == 0)


                   // Rising edge, no prescaler 0x41  

TCCR1B = 0b10000001;  


if (range == 1)


TCCR1B = 0b10000100;  // Rising edge, 256                                                    //prescaler


while ((TIFR1 & (1<<ICF1)) == 0)


/* next lines for                                                    debug.              

OLED_SetCursor(4, 0);

OLED_Printf("waiting for cptr a"); */                    


/* put capture register in a */

a = ICR1; 

TIFR1 = (1<<ICF1);  /* Clear ICF flag again */

        if (range == 0)


    TCCR1B = 0b10000001;  /* Rising edge, no                                                   /prescaler  0x41 */


if (range == 1)


TCCR1B = 0b10000100; 

                /* Rising edge, 256 prescaler */


while ((TIFR1 & (1<<ICF1)) == 0)


     /*    OLED_SetCursor(4, 0);

       OLED_Printf("waiting for cptr c"); */


c = ICR1;  /* capture 2nd up edge */

TIFR1 = (1<<ICF1);  /* Clear ICF flag */

TCCR1B = 0;  /* Stop the timer */

if(a < c)   

            /* Check for valid condition, to avoid                                  timer overflow reading */



long freq= F_CPU/period;

                         /* Calculate                                                          frequency */

if (range == 0)


/*do zilch*/


if (range == 1)


freq = freq/256;  

                         /*accommodate prescaler                                                  /value.*/




OLED_Printf("           ");



OLED_SetCursor(4, 60);




}  // end if




OLED_Printf("ReadErr"); //Counter overflow




} // end main

Code-ah? When I get more of the BPM features coded I will post the whole project to github. In the meantime: Hey, a new batch of boards and stencils are here from the blog's sponsor, PCBWAY, so some soldering is right around the corner. See ya next time!

Irwin Dual VCA: 20+ Years Later

Readers: If you'd like to build the project featured in today's post, please go to PCBWAY's Community pages --gerber file (main...