Wednesday, June 28, 2023

ARP 2600 Voltage Processor--Part Three--Mixer/Inverter Clone--Finished and Working

DiWHYers: If you want to build this eurorack module, you can get schematics, gerbers, a BOM, board/schematic layout, and more, from these guys; their community (here), and this project page. 


Hello again!  The mixer inverter ARP2600 clone modules are done--in and working!

ARP DIwhy modules with a friend's vintage 2600.  Got USD $14K-20K to spend? you can get an original...

More info about the project and design can be found in part II (here--original clone attempt...)

You also may want to skim part I (here): original thinking behind the ARP 2600 Voltage Processor project and cloning the "Increase lag time" sub-circuit.

Cloning these 3 sliders and their surrounding circuitry!  Euro format....

I have posted gerbers, BOM etc. for two clone modules. One is the equivalent of sliders 1 and 3 above, with a pot controlling normallized control voltages, the other has pots to attenuate 2 input signals; on both, summed outputs are inverted, same as the original.

To build both you will need 2 boards and 2x front panels:

Front Panels. The one on the left represents ARP sliders one and 3.

In general this is a super easy single op amp build, it took me less than 2 hours to make both versions of the ARP 2600 mixer-inverter voltage processors.

2x inverters with the lag processor you can read about here.

More A-B testing with voltage processors in a vintage 2600....


More ARP clones on the drawing board...the Electronic Switch for instance? Until then, have fun and don't breathe the fumes.

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